Exmore, Virginia

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Exmore, Virginia, USA

Business Directory in Exmore, Virginia


  • Craddockville United Methodist Church 757-442-9659
    33464 Boston Road, Craddockville, VA 23341
    Craddockville United Methodist Church invites you to worship with them each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. more info  map

  • Exmore Baptist Church 757-442-9491
    11624 Occohannock Road, Exmore, VA 23350
    Exmore Baptist Church's Sunday worship service begins at 11:00 a.m. more info

  • Franktown United Methodist Church 757-442-3481
    7551 Bayside Road, Franktown, VA 23354
    Join the congregation of Franktown United Methodist Church for a worship service each Sunday 10:15 a.m. more info  map

  • Shiloh Baptist Church 757-442-2739
    31559 Boston Road, Boston, VA 23422
    A member of the Eastern Shore Virginia-Maryland Baptist Association and the Baptist General Convention of Virginia, Shiloh Baptist Church is the oldest African-American... more info  map

Eye Care

  • Seashore Eyecare 757-442-5079
    3298 Main Street, Exmore, VA 23350
    An optometry office in downtown Exmore, Seashore Eyecare offers comprehensive eye exams, treatment for such eye conditions as glaucoma, dry eye, infections and macular... more info



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