Corpus Christi, Texas

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Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

Transportation in Corpus Christi, Texas


  • Corpus Christi International Airport 361-289-0171
    1000 International Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78406
    This airport is served by three major airlines, American Airlines, United Airlines, and Southwest, which travel to destinations across the United States and the world. more info  map

Bus & Charter

  • Greyhound Lines 361-882-2516
    702 North Chaparral, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
    Provides bus transportation to most cities across the United States.  more info  map

Rental Cars

  • Budget
    3737 South Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
    Located at Corpus Christi International Airport
    Provides no-hassle vehicle rentals to service all your travel needs.  more info  map

  • Dollar Rent A Car 866-434-2226
    5549 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78406
    Located at the Holiday Inn Airport
    Low, everyday rates to help customers keep their travel plans within their budget is provided by this rental car company.  more info  map

  • Hertz 361-289-0777
    1000 International Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78403
    Located at Corpus Christi International Airport
    Offers dependable vehicles for short or long-term rentals. One other Corpus Christi locations are available.  more info  map

  • National Car Rental 361-289-0515
    1000 International Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78406
    Located at Corpus Christi International Airport
    This rental car company offers a wide range of rental vehicles that will fit any budget.  more info  map

  • Thrifty Car Rental 361-289-0042
    1000 International Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
    Located at Corpus Christi International Airport
    A value oriented car rental company that has a significant presence in the airport and local car rental markets. Another Thrifty Car Rental is located at 7336 South... more info  map

Truck Rentals

  • Ryder 361-883-5479
    4705 Agnes, Off Highway 44, Corpus Christi, TX 78405
    A full range of programs to meet short and long-term transportation needs is provided by this truck rental company.  more info  map

  • U-Haul 361-884-8248
    1201 North Chaparral, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
    Located at U-Haul Center North Chaparral
    This well known truck rental company offers the largest variety of locations and services in the truck and trailer rental inudstry. more info  map

Public Transit


Transportation in Corpus Christi

Towns Near Corpus Christi