Wakefield, Rhode Island

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Wakefield, Rhode Island, USA

Business Directory in Wakefield, Rhode Island


  • James G. Couch & Associates 401-789-5410
    24 Salt Pond Road, F-2, Wakefield, RI 02879
    This law firm serves clients in the greater Rhode Island area and provides assistance in estate planning, elder law, Medicaid, trust administration and probate. more info  map

Beauty Salons & Barbers

  • Artistic Hair Design 401-783-1390
    225 Robinson Street, Wakefield, RI 02879
    Provide services with high performance. At Artistic Hair Design, they strive to create an environment where their service providers can embrace their individual artistic... more info  map

Health, Fitness & Wellness

  • Ichiban Karate Studio 401-789-3380
    228 Robinson Street, Wakefield, RI 02879
    Since 1991, they have provided the local community with a family-friendly, fitness-oriented, and modern martial arts studio. They teach a variety of martial arts to all... more info  map


  • East Coast Landscaping 401-788-9360
    Main Street; P.O. Box 483, Wakefield, RI 02880
    This team of experts offers a full range of the best in landscaping services. more info  map


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