Wyomissing, Pennsylvania

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Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, USA

Entertainment & Events in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania

Special Events

  • Institute of the Arts 610-376-1576
    1100 Belmont Avenue
    Wyomissing, PA 19610
    The Institute of the Arts in Wyomissing has served the artistic and educational community of Berks County and the surrounding area for over 70 years with exhibits and performances. Programs for all ages that include music, dance, yoga, visual arts, movement, voice and theater are provided year round. more

Festivals & Fairs

  • Heritage Festival 610-374-8839
    Red Bridge Road off Route 183
    Wyomissing, PA 19610
    The Berks County Heritage Center in Bern Township
    This two-day annual event celebrating the area's history and transportation heritage will include arts & crafts, antique cars, farm equipment, carriages, wagons, entertainment, demonstrations, exhibits, Pennsylvania German dialect programs, children's activities and more. The Heritage Festival will take place in October, one mile north of the Reading Regional Airport.


Events in Wyomissing

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