Millerton, New York

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Millerton, New York, USA

Business Directory in Millerton, New York

Auto Repair & Service

  • Brick Block Auto Parts 518-789-3696
    12 Main Street (Route 44), Millerton, NY 12546
    Offers comprehensive auto parts and services. more info

  • Motorworks 518-789-7800
    23 South Center Street, Millerton, NY 12546
    Located 1 Block from Downtown Millerton
    "Motorworks provides repairs, diagnostics, restoration and import services to vehicles ranging from rare and vintage autos, both foreign and domestic, to the family car." more info

  • NAPA - Millerton Auto & Truck Supply, Inc. 518-789-4474
    6024 Route 22, Millerton, NY 12546
    Specialty items featured at Millerton Auto & Truck Supply, Inc. include farm & agriculture, ATV, marine and lawn & garden supplies, exhaust pipes, hydraulic hoses, and... more info

Car Dealerships

  • McLean Ford, Inc. 518-789-4477
    Route 44 East, Millerton, NY 12546
    New and pre-owned cars, trucks, SUVs, and crossovers. more info


  • Steed Home Restoration, Inc. 518-965-4420
    5926 North Elm Avenue, Millerton, NY 12546
    New builds, historic restorations, renovations, additions, custom woodwork, kitchen, baths, and more. more info

Drug Stores

  • CVS Pharmacy 518-789-3444
    108 Route 44, Millerton, NY 12546
    Prescriptions, vaccinations, and more. more info

Financial Institutions

  • Salisbury Bank & Trust Company 518-789-9802
    87 Main Street, Millerton, NY 12546
    Salisbury Bank operates full-service branches in Canaan, Lakeville, Salisbury and Sharon, Connecticut, Great Barrington, South Egremont and Sheffield, Massachusetts, and... more info

Health, Fitness & Wellness

  • North East Fitness & Wellness 518-789-6100
    208 Route 44, Millerton, NY 12546
    North East Fitness & Wellness is open to the public on a membership basis. Classes are offered seven days a week. These include spinning, cross training, and Pilates. more info


  • Duxbury & Hermans 518-789-3633
    66 Main Street, Millerton, NY 12546
    Auto, homeowner, commercial, and life insurance services. more info

Pet Services

  • Ledgewood Kennel 518-789-6353
    639 Smithfield Road, Millerton, NY 12546
    "The Hudson Valley area's premier boarding, day care, grooming, and training facility" is located on 75 acres of wooded farmland in Millerton, New York that includes a... more info

Professional Services

  • Rosini Antiques 518-789-3582
    49 South Maple Avenue, Millerton, NY 12546
    Professional furniture restoration and repair services. Open by appointment. more info


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