Manhattan, New York

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Manhattan, New York, USA

Business Directory in Manhattan, New York


  • Sale & Pepe 212-968-7700
    1 Exchange Plaza, Manhattan, NY 10006
    Wall Street
    Catering to New York with the finest qualiy food and professional staff. more info


  • Cathedral of St John the Divine 212-316-7540
    1047 Amsterdam Ave, Manhattan, NY 10025
    Largest cathedral in the world, exceptional acoustics, architecture, stained glass and stone carving, biblical and rose gardens, gift shop and daily services. more info  map

  • Eldridge Street Synagouge 212-219-0888
    12 Eldridge St, Manhattan, NY 10002
    Architectural landmark and historic synagogue, founded in 1887. more info  map

  • Riverside Church 212-870-6828
    490 Riverside Dr, Manhattan, NY 10027
    Fine Gothic detail, modeled after Chartes Cathedral in France. more info  map

  • Trinity Church 212-602-0872
    Broadway @ Wall St, Manhattan, NY 10005
    Church in the 17th century by a royal charter from England. more info  map


  • NYData PC-Computer Repair 917-803-0646
    750 Park Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10021
    Offers same-day virus removal, laptop data repair, screen replacement, upgrades, pick-up & delivery 24/7 with most of replacement parts in stock.  more info  map

Conference & Convention Facilities


  • Curtain Exchange of Larchmont 914-834-6373
    1987 Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538
    Located 15 Miles Northeast in Larchmont
    The Curtain Exchange offers quality fabrics, including silk taffeta and damask, and trims to produce custom-made designs. more info  map

Health, Fitness & Wellness

  • Manhattan Spine and Sports Medicine 212-935-1700
    300 East 56th Street, Manhattan, NY 10022
    For New York City back pain patients, there is a real solution in the treatments offered at Manhattan Spine and Sports Medicine. They offer a full team approach with... more info  map


Pet Services


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