Publications in Banner Elk, North Carolina
Find sports, politics, news of the weird, national and international news items at Plus, provides entertainment, health, government, local news, and much more.Mountain Times 828-733-4645
718 Highway 184, Banner Elk, NC 28657
The High Country's local weekly newspaper that is published every Thursday and has features including news, entertainment, marketplace, community, and classifieds. more info map
Public Records & Genealogy
Public Records
See Public Records. Instantly find genealogy records, birth records, marriage records, divorce records, and death records here for Banner Elk, NC.
Radio & Television Stations
WECR-AM 1130/Rondinaro Broadcasting 828-733-0188
1281 Newland Highway, Banner Elk, NC 28657
"The region's only locally owned and operated radio broadcasting company", this radio station is Avery County's heritage station that plays a mix of country and southern... more info map
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