Brookhaven, Mississippi

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Brookhaven, Mississippi, USA

Transportation in Brookhaven, Mississippi


Bus & Charter

  • Greyhound 601-833-0713
    933 Highway 550, Brookhaven, MS 39601
    Crane's 550 Grocery
    Provides bus transportation to most cities across the United States. more info  map


  • Amtrak 800-USA-RAIL
    440 North Railroad Avenue, Brookhaven, MS 39601
    Godbold Transportation Center
    America's only express train serving destinations nationwide. Located in Brookhaven's former renovated power plant. more info  map

Truck Rentals

  • U-Haul 601-835-1308
    127 East Monticello Street, Brookhaven, MS 39601
    Foster Chevron
    Offers the largest variety of locations and services in the truck and trailer rental industry. more info  map


Transportation in Brookhaven

Towns Near Brookhaven