Roseau, Minnesota

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Roseau, Minnesota, USA

Real Estate in Roseau, Minnesota

Real Estate - Firms

  • A-1 Realty Inc. 218-463-3334
    101 Second Street South West, Roseau, MN 56751
    This full service realty team specializes in the sale of farms.  more info  map

  • Agassiz Realty 218-463-3884
    215 Main Avenue North, Roseau, MN 56751
    The professional, experienced staff of this real estate agency offers a full range of services, including relocation assistance, and the sale of farms, hunting land,... more info  map

  • North Border Realty, Inc. 218-634-2760
    105 5th Avenue Northwest, Baudette, MN 56623
    This fine real estate agency specializes in residential properties, but also sells commercial, farm, hunting, and waterfront properties as well.  more info  map

  • USA Realty, Inc. 218-463-3148
    300 Main Avenue North, Roseau, MN 56751
    This full service realty company offers assistance in the areas of residential, commercial, farm, and lakefront sales and services.  more info  map

Real Estate - Guides & Publications


Real-Estate in Roseau

Towns Near Roseau