Minnetonka, Minnesota

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Minnetonka, Minnesota, USA

Business Directory in Minnetonka, Minnesota

Auto Repair & Service

  • Baker Road Automotive 952-935-9777
    13125 Excelsior Boulevard, Minnetonka, MN 55343
    A locally-owned & operated auto repair shop in Minnetonka, MN offering services ranging from routine car maintenance to emergency auto repair. more info

Beauty Salons & Barbers

  • Primp Hair Salon 952-475-0941
    18300 Minnetonka Boulevard, Minnetonka, MN 55391
    "A full-service, boutique salon where personalized service is delivered with the utmost attention to detail." Available services include haircuts, hair extensions,... more info  map

Health, Fitness & Wellness

  • My Strength Studio 952-322-7070
    5125 County Road 101, #102, Minnetonka, MN 55345
    "My Strength Studio has become the practical fitness solution for our modern world by providing all the benefits of exercise in minimal time without wrecking people in... more info  map

  • The Marsh - A Center for Balance and Fitness 952-935-2202
    15000 Minnetonka Boulevard, Minnetonka, MN 55345
    The 67,000 square foot Marsh "integrates architecture and aerobics, nutrition and nurturing to help you balance the mind and body." Yoga, dance, cardio and strength... more info


Professional Services

  • Sweet Heritage Media
    11217 Royzelle Lane, Minnetonka, MN 55305
    Transfers Super-8, Super-8 Sound and regular 8mm movies and photos to DVD or Blu-Ray HD and digital data files. more info  map


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