Flint, Michigan

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Organizations in Flint, Michigan


  • City of Flint 810-766-7346
    1101 South Saginaw Street, Flint, MI 48502
    Provides information on local city services and local government offices in the Flint area. more info  map

  • Flint Area Chamber of Commerce 810-232-7101
    519 South Saginaw Street, Suite 200, Flint, MI 48502
    Mott Foundation Boulevard
    Promotes and supports local businesses and industries in the Flint area plus provides relocation information. more info  map

  • Flint Area Convention & Vistors Bureau 810-232-8900
    316 Water Street, Flint, MI 48503
    Provides information on local lodging, dining, attractions, entertainment, and events in the Flint area. more info  map

  • Junior League of Flint 810-294-0128
    310 East Third Street, Flint, MI 48502
    The Junior League of Flint seeks to transform the lives of women and children by promoting volunteerism, and educating, empowering and connecting women through effective... more info  map


  • Greater Flint Arts Council 810-238-ARTS
    816 South Saginaw Street, Flint, MI 48503
    Dedicated to promoting and supporting the arts in the Flint area, this council plays hosts to a wide array of art events and they operate a downtown gallery which... more info  map


  • International Institute of Flint 810-767-0720
    515 Stevens Street, Flint, MI 48502
    A nonprofit organization which is dedicated to promoting intercultural understanding in the area by providing comprehensive services to immigrants helping them become a... more info  map


Organizations in Flint

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