Joliet, Illinois

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Joliet, Illinois, USA

Specialty Shopping in Joliet, Illinois

Cigar Shops

  • Rat Pack Cigar Shop 815-726-7225
    59 West Clinton Street, Joliet, IL 60432
    Offering a variety of only the best fine handmade cigars and products. more info  map

Clothing - Ladies

  • Absolutely Audrey 815-676-0076
    25825 Ross Street, Plainfield, IL 60585
    Absolutely Audrey offers infinite styling options by enhancing, transforming or simply styling any existing pair of shoes with shoe accessories. A variety of styles from... more info  map


  • Showplace on State 815-836-0903
    903 South State Street, Joliet, IL 60432
    Showplace on State features hand painted furniture, architectural elements, decorative accents, and distinctive gifts. more info  map


  • Created for You 815-630-1178
    1708 Caton Ridge Drive, Plainfield, IL 60586
    Personalized gifts for all occasions. more info  map

  • Gazebo Gift Shop 815-741-7278
    227 North Gougar Road, Joliet, IL 60432
    Featuring unique gifts including garden, seasonal, holidays, jewelry, children's, home decor. more info  map

  • Jasmine's Confectionary 815-476-5352
    207 North Water Street, Joliet, IL 60481
    Offering penny candy, gourmet chocolates, candles, gifts, Jelly Belly jelly beans, soup, sandwiches, ice-cream, pop, coffee, and cappuccino. more info  map

  • Petals and Twigs 815-485-5976
    427 West Francis Road, Joliet, IL 60451
    New Lenox
    Country gift shop specializing in custom silk floral designs, gift baskets, and hand crafted items. more info  map


Shopping in Joliet

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